About Us

Celebrate successes big and small

Our goal is to provide high-quality dance education and to be a place each of our dancers feels like they belong.

We strive to create a positive atmosphere in which dancers can feel part of a community as well as learn how to set goals and celebrate their accomplishments as they grow!

We want our dancers to have fun while they learn how to express themselves through movement, but also develop discipline, confidence, and resilience along the way.

We want each and every family to feel confident that their children are receiving high-quality dance education in a supportive environment.

3 girls holding a sign that says we love pique

~Jill’s Story

I took my first dance class when I was barely 3 years old. I don’t remember this but my dad loves to tell me about how I would come home, go to my room, set up a dance studio, and teach dance class to my dolls. He claims to have known way back then that I would own a dance studio when I grew up.

I don’t remember life before dance at all, and I have always been thankful for that because it has been such a source of happiness in my life. I remember feeling sad for my friends who didn’t dance growing up, because it was clearly the greatest activity ever.

I was 15 years old when I taught my first class. Although I was a pretty shy child, I had never felt more at home than I did in front of a tap class. Teaching came very naturally and made sense to me. I celebrated all of my student’s progress and was so excited to teach them the next new thing each week. I stood backstage at recital, watching my class perform all the steps I had taught them, and felt pride like I had never felt before. I knew this is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.

As I grew older, I began to realize all the lessons that dance had taught me- more than the steps and the technique and how to do a ballet bun- but perseverance, problem-solving, work ethic, and the importance of working as a team.

In the one year of my life that I did not dance regularly, I realized that dancing not only made me happy on the surface but provided a deep happiness that was good for my overall health, happiness, and wellbeing. I was teaching school at the time and although I enjoyed my students, I knew I would rather be providing kids the same experiences that made my childhood so rich and taught me some of the most important lessons of my life.

I founded Steppin Time with the goals of providing dance education in a welcoming and positive atmosphere, helping kids learn how to set goals and work really hard for them, and creating a community of dancers who support each other and celebrate each other’s accomplishments all along the way.